Händlmaier – The Sweet Temptation
In 1910, master butcher Karl and his wife Johanna Händlmaier founded their first butcher’s shop on Gesandten Street in the old town of Regensburg. Johanna Händlmaier wanted to offer her customers something very special in addition to the sausages she made herself – so in 1914, Johanna Händlmaier invented the “sweet homemade mustard” and thus laid the foundation for the company.
This is where the success story of “Händlmaier’s sweet homemade mustard” begins! Today, it is inconceivable that the mustard was still made in a large saucepan in the butcher’s kitchen. Johanna’s recipe was incomparable, and her customers were truly delighted.
Then, as of now, only the best raw materials that mother nature has to offer are processed. The best mustard seeds, clear water, the best sugar, brandy vinegar, and, of course, the fine spices that remain our secret … Not to forget the time and manual labor that make our mustard such an incomparable pleasure.
Today, Händlmaier is not only Bavaria’s favorite mustard, but also the nationwide market leader in the field of sweet mustard, and all 75 employees are very proud of that.